Healthy Homemade Oat Crust Pizza

Healthy Homemade Oat Crust Pizza

This recipe is for a healthy and delicious homemade pizza made with a crust that is gluten-free and low in calories. The crust is made with finely ground oats, Greek yogurt, and egg, resulting in a nutritious and satisfying base for the pizza. The recipe also includes instructions for making a homemade pizza sauce and suggests using mozzarella cheese and fresh herbs for toppings, although you can customize the pizza with your preferred toppings. This pizza is perfect for those who want to indulge in their favorite food while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

About Time

  • Prep Time: 20 mins
  • Cook Time: 30 mins
  • Total Time: 50 mins
  • Yield: 2 Serves

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